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Here are holistic habits for you!

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Habits are what drives human evolution.

If you have cancer, know someone with it, or are taking preventive measures against it, here are habits you want to automate next!

  • Microbiome Diet
  • Cryotherapy
  • Forgiveness
  • Strategic-Life Design
  • Orienting toward purpose
  • Intermittent Fasting
  • Seasonal Detox
  • Early-to-bed sleep routine

Here is where you can get started

Whats Inside

  • Microbiome diet shopping list
  • What to eat in a day
  • Recipes for the Microbiome Diet
  • More!

Here is what you can do next

We highly recommend you take us up on a session to talk about the best habits for you. To build a stronger, healthier microbiome that fights scary diseases. Consider it our GIFT (Usually costs $197)