Thank you for taking the quiz. The results are in and...
You are most likely a FIRE type
What does this mean? And to see exceptional results, how should Intermittent Fasting be for you?
Here's what is TRUE about your unique constitution
If you have intense hunger and strong digestion, you may be a FIRE type. On Intermittent Fasting, FIRE types tend to have strong digestion and benefit from substantial meals on schedule with plenty of green vegetables, protein, and high-quality cooling fats, like avocado, coconut, and almonds. Delaying eating isn’t recommended for pittas.
Let's look at some questions most FIRE Types like you have
- Is having loose stool bad a sign my microbiome is off?
- Why do I crave spicy foods? Are they bad for me?
- How do I fast when I’m always hungry?
- Is getting hangry (irritated when hungry) a sign that I’m out of balance?