This is Why We Do What We Do

Welcome to our Member Stories Hub – a place where real-life stories meet inspiration! Explore the diverse journeys of our amazing community members who’ve transformed their lives with us. These stories go beyond testimonials; they’re a celebration of victories, resilience, and the strength of our connections.

Emily Cole

I’d like to share a win in the evolution of habits and relationships!
About 6 months ago, I visited home. It was nice, our socializing revolved around late night dinners to accommodate my siblings schedules. I didn’t feel great. I was excited to get back to my home and fall back into rhythm. I announced that I would eat salad at 6 each night and everyone was welcome to join if they wanted but no pressure. My dad would come over and have salad with me each night! He had expressed being challenged by meals because it was now spring/summer and he didn’t want to stop working outside to cook a big meal. I encourage simplicity and repetition but he didn’t find his grove. I left him some salad dressing and the leftover veggies and goat cheese we used and he continued to eat the salad as his dinner. Double win!
And now, I am home again for a visit, and he let me know he had already picked up the salad ingredients and assumed we would have dinner together. It has just evolved into ease in at least one of the relationships in my life, and not in the way I expected, planned, or was necessarily trying to make happen 🙂. Hooray!

"The path is clear and I’m walking it with my head held high, Shoulders back, Heart open and eyes trained on the target. This feels great!"

I run a social profit organization that connects youth to the outdoors. The ‘12 ethos’ of Master of You helped me align my personal, professional and organizational goals toward a single target – to thrive. The way I show up in the world is the way my organization shows up. After only three months I see much greater possibilities for positive impact, I’m not thinking small anymore. I don’t just just see opportunities, but I’ve designed strategies to meet them.

Alicia Heyburn

Shelley Aaron

"I now feel the most tuned-in to my body than I ever have before."

“Before the program, my life was filled with the “do’s and don’ts” of living a healthy lifestyle which is always changing based on the current research, studies or fads. After integrating Thrive’s 10 habits into my life, I let those “do’s & don’ts” go for good. I’m also watching my clients evolve into healthier individuals with the same confidence and ease as they tune-in to their bodies too!”

Bonnie Leary

I have been reflecting on my personal growth since I started my first quarter. Looking back I see a different person now. The journey wasn’t easy at all, it had a lot of pitfalls followed by an amazing breakthrough. Letting go of habits, behaviors, and personality is not easy to do completely alone.
A sense of gratitude rose from my heart as I was aware of the huge transformation of my life. I couldn’t have done this without the support of this community. In my darkest moments, I found the inspiration and the wisdom of many other members to find my direction.

Going through life we build on bad habits. Little rituals of doing what we want not realizing the effects and wondering why we’re not as happy. Little did I know how out of balance I really was. How depleted. I couldn’t make good food choices (and I know all of them by heart) because of this depletion. I suffered with bouts of depression, couldn’t sleep, negativity, judgment, etc. I feel an epidemic is out there.
I now feel lighter (and I am not talking about a less pound lighter) and have more access to my joy so much faster. I giggle! A lot. I had no idea staying up after crucial detoxing/rejuvenation time depleted me for over 30 years. And much, much more. Find your way back to yourself. Simple rhythmic habits that your body becomes familiar with and craves. And the healing? Astounding. Find your way back to your fresh, vibrant, nourished, open-hearted self like an 8 year old waking up to see what the day brings. Anything is possible when you get nourished daily. I now love my new habits that took awhile to take hold, but are so worth it. I will never go back. Thank you Cate Stillman.

Cindi Karuna Kronick

“My first reflection was feeling like I was under some kind of mystic spell… this shit really works! Cate would talk, the spell would be laid, and the results would just miraculously happen. But, now I am realizing it is not a spell, or magic, it is much more simple and intuitive – it is aligning to the universe and the natural rhythms of our planet. The steps are pretty straight forward, not easy per say, but, with deep desire, the small, steady, practice and habit forming actions show transformative results. I am more aware of my patterns, my behaviors, and where I need to continue to show up to live the life I want to live. Thank you Cate!”

Genell Vashro Huston

Win, win, win! Shorts and capris from the I will fit them again one day and the drawer is out! And they are not even snug! I had only gotten one season out of them then, so tucked them away and this is the year to wear the hell out of them cause as things are going they will be in the too big pile next year! This journey for me is not about weight, but man it feels good to reap the benefits on this road to wellness.

Nicole Arsenault Brennan

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“Lost 13Lbs in 6 months – Body Thrive met my need to change my mindset. To switch narrow/strict focus from counting calories or exercise – to allowing a gentle ‘rhythm’. Stepping out of ‘gap thinking’ has been an important shift. Body Thrive has helped me build the new skill of ‘gain thinking’. I lost 16Lbs in 6 months. My mindset shifted to celebrate small wins rather than be disappointed about slow progress.
In general, I am doing better living a healthy lifestyle. I’m more mindful of my daily practices – being more health conscious.”

Wendy Uhl

“I woke up this morning and and my first thought was “What will I learn today?” My second thought was “I am so grateful for this community.” Thank you all!”

Wendy Uhl