Can you pinch more than an inch?

Picture of Cate Stillman
Cate Stillman

Adipose tissue is now considered a bona fide immune organ,
at the cross-road
between metabolism and immunity.
— Kassem Makki: adipose tissue scientist

When I was writing Uninflamed, I dug deep into fat cells. (Fat cells are adipose tissue.)

Because either your fat cells are releasing anti-inflammatory blood markers.

Or your fat cells are generating inflammation

How do you know?
Just do the Pinch Test.

Do the Pinch Test.
Here is a 1 minute video

What does the PINCH TEST tell you?
First, you are wonderful.
You are marvelous.
You are perfect.
And… let’s just learn how you can make your fat cells work better for you!

If you eat too frequently, your fat cells swell from constantly picking up nutrition from the bloodstream, which causes the fat cells to release inflammation into the blood, disrupting the endocrine and triggering the immune system. The scales tip towards oxidative stress and away from antioxidant optimization. This works against the inherent design, which leads to disease.

Let’s check out what, exactly, is happening.

Fat Cells Pulse

Fat, or adipose tissue, is designed for lubrication, fuel, immune protection, endocrine optimization, and insulation. Fat tissue is not designed to be a long-term storage unit where your parked stuff gets dusty. Healthy AT cells are lean from shrinking and expanding.

What triggers fat cells to shrink?

When insulin is absent (due to fasting) and exercise stimulates growth hormones and thyroid hormones, the enzyme lipase releases triglycerides into the blood for energy. Fat cells shrink. The blood simultaneously receives a dose of anti-inflammatories. Clean-up happens within the fat cell and the bloodstream.

Fat Cells Pulse

Fat, or adipose tissue, is designed for lubrication, fuel, immune protection, endocrine optimization, and insulation. Fat tissue is not designed to be a long-term storage unit where your parked stuff gets dusty. Healthy AT cells are lean from shrinking and expanding.

What triggers fat cells to shrink?

When insulin is absent (due to fasting) and exercise stimulates growth hormones and thyroid hormones, the enzyme lipase releases triglycerides into the blood for energy. Fat cells shrink. The blood simultaneously receives a dose of anti-inflammatories. Clean-up happens within the fat cell and the bloodstream.

Infrequent eating creates an environment where you use up the energy (glucose) in the blood. Autophagy occurs. The body needs energy and the blood does not have. So then, and only then, fat becomes the fuel source, releasing glycerol and fatty acids into the bloodstream.

Fat cells can only pulse out their enzymes and triglycerides when in autophagy, with low blood sugar. Lean AT cells also secrete anti-inflammatory hormones, and stimulate growth hormones and ketones, which abate hunger. When this is happening, you get leaner, more innovative, relaxed, focused, and happier. Fasting turns stagnant AT cells lean. Not bad for eating less frequently.

Frequent eating causes blood sugar to continually spike.

Fat cells get the signal from insulin to enlarge rather than release. As white fat accumulates beyond the body’s needs, stagnant AT secretes pro-inflammatory hormones, cytokines, and chemokines, which are cell-signaling proteins that signal an inflammatory response from the immune system. This stimulates the phagocytes, which then produce reactive oxygen species (ROS). ROS are chemicals that are produced within mitochondria, and are used to measure oxidative stress. High ROS levels cause irreversible damage to DNA, as cell components get oxidized, to keep damage from spreading.

Detox is a process that accelerates digestion, cellularly and subtly, of toxins. The result is the feeling of being relieved of a burden and refreshed on your focus forward, with the habits to maintain your positive momentum.

I mentioned in this series that what gets digested is that which has overwhelmed the mind or the body or both. I drew this picture:

The fats that are circulating in the bloodstream (lipoproteins) become oxidized; inflammation is triggered, attracting more phagocytes, which then engulf the oxidized lipoproteins (LDLs). New fat-filled cells form, and these aggregate and eventually stick to the blood vessel walls, becoming plaque.

Do you need to thin your fat?
No shame.
No guilt.
Just a good thing to do. Especially when it’s as easy as can be… in the April Detox.
Tickets are on sale now.

If you get your ticket now, you get a deal.

And, if you decide you want your ticket to amazing…

Use this promo code: EB197

Plus, did I mention, when you get your ticket RIGHT NOW… I’ll also give you a buddy pass.

What’s a buddy pass?
A pass for your buddy.
An extra ticket to the SIMPLE DETOX.

Maybe your bedmate has put on a few pounds.
Maybe your sister needs a rejuvenation. Who doesn’t?
Maybe your friend is having a birthday in the next month or two or three..

Now you don’t need to get her a present… you can get yourself one and share!

As the seasons shift, it’s the perfect time to rejuvenate your body and mind with a seasonal detox.


P.s. We start April 3. This is the best deal you can get for the April SIMPLE DETOX. Start building a better momentum.

P.s. Who do YOU know that needs to feel better sooner?
Buy YOUR TICKET TO AMAZING today. You’ll get to give it to them. What a gift you are!  This is the catalyst that dramatically enhances their wellbeing.  Learn more.  Use promo code: EB197

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